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When Should I Wake Up for Istikhara?

Istikhara is a significant practice in Islam, where individuals seek guidance from Allah (SWT) when making important decisions. It’s a form of prayer performed to ask for Allah’s help in determining the best course of action in situations where the path forward is unclear. One of the common questions about Istikhara is: “When should I wake up for Istikhara?”

In this article, we’ll delve into the best practices for performing Istikhara, when and how to wake up for it, and how you can utilize Online Istikhara in Pakistan, Online Istikhara in Lahore, and Online Istikhara Services in Pakistan to make this important practice more accessible.

Understanding Istikhara

Before we discuss the timing of Istikhara, it’s important to understand what it involves. Istikhara is a prayer, or dua, which means “asking for good.” It is performed when a person faces uncertainty or confusion regarding a decision or an action. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us to perform Istikhara when we need Allah’s help to guide us toward the best decision.

The procedure for Istikhara is simple. A person prays two rakahs (units of prayer) and recites the Istikhara dua, asking Allah to show them the best choice. Afterward, they trust in Allah’s plan and await His guidance, which can come in many forms, such as through dreams, a change of heart, or circumstances that make the decision clearer.

When Should You Wake Up for Istikhara?

The ideal time to perform Istikhara is during the night, specifically during the last third of the night, which is considered a time when Allah (SWT) is most merciful and responsive to the prayers of His servants. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended waking up during this blessed time for personal supplication and seeking Allah’s help.

1. The Last Third of the Night

The most recommended time for Istikhara is during the last third of the night, after the Isha prayer and before the Fajr prayer. According to the Hadith, this is when Allah (SWT) descends to the nearest heaven, asking who is there to seek His forgiveness, help, or mercy. This period is filled with blessings, and your prayer for guidance during this time will be more effective.

2. After Fajr Prayer

If waking up in the middle of the night is difficult for you, another appropriate time for Istikhara is after the Fajr prayer. Performing Istikhara after Fajr allows you to seek guidance at the beginning of the day, ensuring that you have the best start possible in making decisions.

3. When You Are Alone and Focused

Regardless of the time, it is crucial to perform Istikhara when you are in a calm and focused state. Find a quiet place where you can concentrate fully on the prayer and the dua. The quality of your prayer matters as much as the timing.

How to Perform Istikhara

  1. Perform Two Rakahs: Start by performing two voluntary rakahs (units of prayer). It’s preferable to pray them at night, but if that’s not possible, you can perform them at any time during the day.
  2. Recite the Istikhara Dua: After completing the two rakahs, recite the Istikhara dua sincerely. The dua asks Allah for guidance in making the right decision and to guide you toward what is best for your life and faith.The dua is as follows:“اللهم إني استخيرك بعلمك واستقدرك بقدرتك واسالك من فضلك العظيم، فإنك تقدر ولا اقدر وتعلم ولا اعلم وانت علام الغيوب، اللهم إن كنت تعلم ان هذا الامر خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة امري او قال عاجل امري وآجله فاقدره لي ويسره لي ثم بارك لي فيه، وإن كنت تعلم ان هذا الامر شر لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة امري او قال في عاجل امري وآجله فاصرفه عني واصرفني عنه، واقدر لي الخير حيث كان ثم ارضني”Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for the good of this matter, as You are the Knower of the unseen. I ask You for Your mercy and guidance, and I ask that You make it easy for me. If it is good for me, make it happen. If it is bad for me, turn me away from it.”
  3. Trust Allah’s Decision: After performing Istikhara, it is essential to trust that Allah (SWT) will guide you toward the best outcome. Be patient, and have faith that His decision will lead to what is best for you.

Why Perform Istikhara Online?

For many people, performing Istikhara can be difficult due to time constraints or a lack of knowledge about the correct method. Thankfully, the growth of technology has made it possible to seek Online Istikhara in Pakistan, Online Istikhara in Lahore, and other online services. These services provide guidance and support to help individuals perform Istikhara correctly.

  1. Convenience: With Online Istikhara Services in Pakistan, you don’t have to worry about making a special trip to a mosque or finding a scholar to guide you. You can get help from the comfort of your home.
  2. Access to Scholars and Experts: Online services provide access to knowledgeable scholars who can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide clarity.
  3. Affordability: Many Online Istikhara Services in Pakistan are affordable and cater to the needs of people who may not have the resources to visit a mosque or consult with a religious scholar in person.
  4. 24/7 Availability: The online services are available around the clock, meaning you can perform Istikhara whenever you feel the need, regardless of your location or time zone.

Benefits of Seeking Online Istikhara Services

  • Guidance Anytime, Anywhere: You can seek Online Istikhara in Lahore or any part of Pakistan at your convenience, without the hassle of travelling.
  • Expert Guidance: Religious scholars who specialize in Istikhara are available to guide you through the process and offer personalized advice.
  • Comprehensive Support: Whether you need help with the timing, method, or the dua itself, Online Istikhara Services in Pakistan provide comprehensive support for a meaningful experience.

FAQ about Istikhara

  1. What is Istikhara? Istikhara is a prayer asking for Allah’s guidance when making a difficult decision.
  2. When should I wake up for Istikhara? The best time is during the last third of the night, but after Fajr is also a suitable time.
  3. Can I perform Istikhara during the day? Yes, but the night time is preferable due to its blessings.
  4. Do I need to fast before performing Istikhara? No, fasting is not required to perform Istikhara.
  5. Is there a specific dua for Istikhara? Yes, there is a specific dua to recite after performing two rakahs.
  6. Can I perform Istikhara for any decision? Yes, Istikhara can be performed for any decision, big or small.
  7. How long do I need to wait for the answer? The answer can come through dreams, feelings, or events in your life. Be patient.
  8. Can I perform Istikhara for someone else? Yes, you can perform Istikhara on behalf of someone else if needed.
  9. Can I use Online Istikhara Services in Pakistan? Yes, you can seek guidance through online services for ease and support.
  10. What if I don’t see an immediate result? Trust in Allah’s timing; the answer will come when it’s best for you.


Performing Istikhara is a valuable practice for seeking Allah’s guidance in decision-making. The ideal time for Istikhara is during the last third of the night, but it can also be done after Fajr. Utilizing Online Istikhara in Pakistan and Online Istikhara in Lahore can provide convenient, expert guidance for those who need help. Remember, trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing, and He will guide you toward what is best.

For more information or to avail Online Istikhara Services in Pakistan, feel free to contact us at +92-3217612263 or visit our website: www.onlineistikhara.com.pk.

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